CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Theme - Safety at the Holidays

  • Create a poster on the safety you need while celebrating a holiday - you can choose any holiday. (There are so many possibilities of safety during holidays, be creative!!)


  • Cloverbud Division (ages 5‑8 as of 1/1/22)
  • Junior Division (ages 9‑13 as of 1/1/22)
  • Senior Division (ages 14‑18 as of 1/1/22)
  • Group Division (any 4-H family, club, or small group)


  • Posters must be 14” x 22” (one half the standard poster board)
  • Posters must be designed horizontally.
  • The poster can be done in any medium (paint, watercolor, oil, crayon, collage, etc), but no material may project beyond ½” from the poster surface.
  • No copyrighted material can be used. (i.e. Peanuts, Bugs Bunny)
  • Place the following information on the back upper left‑hand corner of the poster: entry category, name(s), age(s), phone number, club, and club advisor(s).


Due to Extension Office on Thursday, August 17, 2023


  • First, second, & third place ribbons awarded for each category, except Cloverbuds, who will receive participation ribbons.