Demonstration Day Opportunities for Members and Clubs
On Saturday, June 25 4-H member and clubs can participate in Demonstration Day at the Extension Office. All of the activities offered that day are designed to help members improve upon their public speaking and communication skills. Whether they complete a poster, design a card, or participate in a live demonstration, skit, or recitation of the 4-H pledge, this is a great way to prepare members for future project judging. Below are the activities that members/teams may participate in, with notes about age limits and whether the activity is a county-only activity.
Please note that ages are based on 4-H age (age as of January 1, 2016).
Members or teams must register their participation by calling the Extension Office no later than Friday, June 17, including topics for all talks/skits.
Demonstration Day Activities
- 4-H pledge recitation- Mahoning County Award only- for Cloverbud members
- Presentation (as an individual) about “What 4-H means to me”- Mahoning County Award only- for all members 8+, 2-4 minutes in length
- Illustrated talk or demonstration without computer technology- for Juniors (ages 8-11) or Junior Teams (ages 8-11)
- Illustrated talk or demonstration with or without computer technology- for Intermediates (ages 12-13), Intermediate Teams (ages 12-13), and Seniors (ages 14+)
- Thank you card created without computer graphics or scrapbooking tools- for Juniors (ages 8-11)
- Thank you card created with computer graphics or scrapbooking tools- for Juniors (ages 8-11)
- Holiday card created without computer graphics or scrapbooking tools- for Intermediates (ages 12-13)
- Holiday card created with computer graphics or scrapbooking tools- for Intermediates (ages 12-13)
- 4-H Infomercial Promoting 4-H- for Seniors (ages 14+, 2-4 minutes in length)
For more information- Demonstration (Communication) Activities State Guidelines:
Health and Safety Topic Activities
Mahoning County’s Health and Safety Topic for 2016 is: The Smart and Safe Use of Technology
- Presentation (as an individual) of a Health and Safety speech- for Juniors (ages 8-13, speech should be 2.5-3.5 minutes in length) and for Seniors (ages 14+, speech should be 4.0-5.5 minutes in length)
- Team talk or skit on the Health and Safety topic- for all members aged 8+, with teams consisting of 2-5 4-H members, and the time limit being 5-8 minutes
- Creation of a poster on the Health and Safety topic- Mahoning County Award only- for all members as individuals or teams- poster board should be no larger than 11”x14” and no more than ½” in depth. Posters are due to the Extension office on Friday, June 24.
For more information- Health and Safety Speaking Contest State Guidelines:
For more information- Health and Safety Team Talk/Skit State Guidelines:
Shooting Sports Public Speaking Contest
- NEW for 2016- Presentation (as an individual) on a topic related to shooting sports. Members must be enrolled in a 700-level shooting sports project, 630 Safe Use of Guns, or 631 Basic Archery. For Juniors (age 8-13, speech should be 3-5 minutes in length) and for Seniors (age 14-18, speech should be 5-8 minutes in length).
For more information- Shooting Sports Public Speaking Contest Guidelines: