The Naturalist Series invites subject matter experts to share their knowledge and research regarding different aspects of nature. Subjects range from animals, plants, insects, and more. All these events are $5 ($30 for the whole series) and occur at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning County Extension Office.
What You Didn't Learn Watching Batman
- Join Marne Titchenell, Extension Wildlife Program Director with the Ohio State University, as she discusses the lives of Ohio bats. Where do they live and how do they spend their time? We will discuss their unique ecology, threats to their populations, and how you can help Ohio’s bat populations.
- Speaker: Marne Titchenell, OSU Program Director, Wildlife
To view the program flyer, click HERE. To register please complete the bottom of the form and return it to the Mahoning County Extension Office, 490 S Broad St. Canfield, OH 44406, or call our office at (330) 533-5538.