A Special Lunch & Learn Program
Palmer Amaranth has been found in Mahoning County!
Join us to learn control options - Featured Speaker: Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Extension, Weed Scientist
Management starts now!
This weed produces 100,000-500,000 seeds per plant. It has a long emergent period (April-August), grows up to three inches per day, is tolerate to post herbicides unless small, and causes lots of crop production issues!
•What is it and why is it such a problem?
•Impact on crop production.
•Sources of new infestations and how to prevent them.
•How to identify!
•What to do if you see it?
Pre-registration is required.
There is no charge for the program, but pre-registration is required.
Call to register:
OSU Extension, Mahoning County 330-533-5538
For complete flyer click HERE.