Whether you raise poultry in your backyard, as a hobby, or as a 4-H project, biosecurity should be one of your top priorities. In light of recent cases of HPAI, or Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, it is important to have a plan in place should any flock health issues arise.
This webinar will discuss biosecurity and health management practices for backyard flocks and 4-H poultry projects, and how to apply those practices to some of the more common poultry diseases.
DATE: Tuesday, May 31st
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
SPEAKER: Tim McDermott, DVM, Franklin County Extension
Tim McDermott, Franklin County ANR Educator, will be discussing biosecurity measures for backyard flocks and 4-H poultry, as well as how to identify and apply biosecurity to 8 of the top 10 poultry diseases.
To register for this virtual presentation, visit https://go.osu.edu/poultrybio22