CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



  1. Food Safety Manager Online Training for Level 2 ServSafe

    Apr. 23, 2021

    Now Available - Online Level 2 Serv Safe Class in partnership with TAP

    This course is designed for Food Service Managers and Food Handlers at restaurants; convenience stores; grocery stores; school food service workers; and civic groups who prepare food for sale and consumptions.
    This course meets the standards as set by the Ohio Department of Health as Level II Certification in Food Protection Manager Certification (Ohio Revised Code 3701-21-25).

  2. Fabric Frenzy Event, Donations Accepted and “Purchases” Benefit 4-H Youth

    Apr. 23, 2024

    The Ohio State University Mahoning Country Extension Office will be hosting their 5th Annual Fabric Frenzy on Tuesday, May 21st and Wednesday, 22nd , from 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. This event is open to the public and is located at the Extension Office at 490 S Broad St. Canfield. Across from the fairgrounds, next to the state highway patrol.

  3. Finding Your Path to Wellness Email Challenge

    Mar. 25, 2024

    This FREE 6-week challenge will provide tips & ideas to foster your overall wellness.  Adults can register to receive 1 email a week plus an invitation to participate in a weekly webinar.

  4. Master Gardener Volunteer Open House - Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

    Jan. 04, 2024

    Do you love to garden? Have a passion for learning? Join us for a drop-in meet and greet with the Mahoning and Columbiana County Master Gardeners to learn how you can become an MGV and share your enthusiasm for gardening with others. Door prizes, refreshments, and open conversation with current Master Gardener Volunteers. RSVP Preferred by calling 330-533-5538, Walk-ins are welcome. We will call the RSVP list in the event of poor weather.

  5. Naturalist Series: Our Edible Landscape

    Sep. 28, 2023

    The Naturalist Series invites subject matter experts to share their knowledge and research regarding different aspects of nature. Subjects range from animals, plants, insects, and more. All these events are $5 ($30 for the whole series) and occur at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning County Extension Office. 

  6. Bring One Take One - Plant Exchange, Plant Sale, Garden Art and Garden Tools Sale!

    Aug. 01, 2023

    Do you love a good trade? How about a handy, recycled item for your garden?

  7. Virtual Food Service Conference

    Jul. 12, 2023

    Join us for a virtual Food Service Conference that will assist with an action plan for the 2023-2024 school year. Registration is FREE!

    Please register at:  The deadline is August 1.

    This conference is designed for:

  8. Veggies and More Tour

    Jun. 22, 2023

    OSU Extension will be visiting local gardens throughout the summer. Join OSU Extension staff and Master GardenerVolunteers to learn about growing practices, helpful tips, and more. Bring a lawn chair for seating and a notepad. Don't forget your weeds, disease, and insects - we'll diagnose what's going on!

    See locations and program info here!


  9. Free Vegetable and Flower Seeds Available

    Apr. 04, 2023

    Do you want to plant your own vegetable and flower garden? Mahoning County OSU Extension has you covered! Mahoning County Extension will be distributing sample seed starter packets at various branches of The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County on April 12th and 13th while supplies last:

  10. Dining with Diabetes

    Mar. 31, 2023

    A new session is starting with our Virtual Dining with Diabetes program. Learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar. 

    Click here to learn more!
